厂址:山东省济南市市中区小白村东工业园    邮编:250116
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      济南瑞达动物保健品有限公司是由山东省科学院、山东农业大学饲料界、生物界的专家学者联合创建的高科技、创新型饲料添加剂企业。 公司聘有博士一名、硕士二名,根据我国畜牧业的国情,有选择的引进、研制、开发出一批技术含量高,使用面广,经济效益和社会效益俱佳的饲料添加剂推向市场;并结合自身科研优势,协助客户解决饲料生产中遇到的实际问题,通过饲料配方的优化,原材料的合理利用和最终产品的“绿色环保增值”为客户创造更高的回报,达到双赢的目的。


      公司的发展在于管理,瑞达公司始终坚持质量是企业的生命,用户利益第一的原则,严把原材料质量关,严格生产工艺、质量检测、确保产品质量。 做到外塑企业形象,内强企业素质,向社会展示一个健康向上,蓬勃发展的瑞达公司。


      Amimal Health Products Co.,Ltd.Jinan Ruida by Shandong Academy of Sciences,Shandong Agricultural Universyty,feed,biological,experts and scholars combined to create high-tech,innovative feed additives business.       Company employs a Ph.D., Master 2,according to China’s national conditions and animal husbandry,selective introduction of research and development of a number of high techmology,using a wide range of economic and social benefits superb feed additives market;and combine their research strengths,to help resolve the feed productiom in the practical problems encountered by feed furmulation optimization,rational use of raw materials and final products,”Green value added”to create higher returns ro clients to achieve win-win.

      With”hard work,pragmatism,innovation”as the motto,to achieve “Customer Satisfaction”as our aim.

      The development of the management company ,Ruida company insists that quality is the life of the interests of customers first principle,strict quality control of raw materials and strict production process,quality inspection,to ensure product quality.Be outside the plastic corporate image ,with strong enterprise quality,to the display of a healthy,thriving Ruida company.

      Ruida’s basic mission is to feed quality and safety guarantee for the healthy development of animal husbandry to provide guarantees for customers to create a higher feeding value.Chosen Ruida,you choose the quality and safety assurance,selected Ruida,you chose to create a higher feedingvalue of loyalty partners!

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Copyright 2012 版权所有:济南瑞达动物保健品有限公司
厂址:山东省济南市市中区小白村东工业园    邮编:250116
手机:13853112739   网址:www.jinanruida.com